Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Six Spot Burnet moth

Six Spot Burnet moth by Linda Yarrow
Six Spot Burnet moth, a photo by Linda Yarrow on Flickr.
We went for a walk from Durlston Country Park to Dancing Ledge. We saw plenty of bees, moths and butterflies on our way, all looking good, better than last year's summer.


Roy Norris said...

Lovely shot Lyn. These are doing well this year from what I have seen.

holdingmoments said...

Lovely shot Linda.
The recent sun has been a real treat, not only for us, but the moths and butterflies too.

Richard Pegler said...

Magnificent shot of the Burnet, Linda. Bravo!

Linda Yarrow said...

Thankyou Roy, Keith and Richard for you comments. It's good to see the moths and butterflies recovering from last year's summer.