Had a great day at Lyme Regis and what made the day was the Dipper :-) We had coffee at The Town Mill http://www.townmill.org.uk/ and on our way out going over a bridge we saw the Dipper in the river (if you can call it a river) Malcolm, who seems to have an eagle eye, spotted it first and I manage to quickly get a few pictures of it, first time I have seen a Dipper and never expected to see one here in the South especially in a coastal town.
View of the Cob
The Dipper
This seagull stole four sachets of different sauces from a table nearby, it swallowed two, the other two it had dropped which I picked up and dumped them in the bin before it ate anymore. Maybe this seagull can survive on sachets of sauces, maybe its digestive juices can breake down the plastic wrapping. Fortunately, the juvenile did not get fed with these sachets, it got tired of begging and flew off.