Thursday, 29 August 2013

Wasp Spider

Wasp Spider by Linda Yarrow
Wasp Spider, a photo by Linda Yarrow on Flickr.
Found this big lady today at Morden Bog. I think her web needs a little tidying up;-)

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Small Heath butterfly

Small Heath butterfly by Linda Yarrow
Small Heath butterfly, a photo by Linda Yarrow on Flickr.
There were quite a few of these fluttering around at Fontmell Down today along with the Chalkhills. No Adonis Blues yet. Small Heath butterflies like the Adonis Blues, have two generation in one summer. These Small Heaths are the second this year, the Adonis Blues second generation is yet to emerge.

Wednesday, 21 August 2013


Comma by Linda Yarrow
Comma, a photo by Linda Yarrow on Flickr.
Taken yesterday at Powerstock. Not seen many Commas this year, nor the Speckled wood either.

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Red Admiral

Red Admiral by Linda Yarrow
Red Admiral, a photo by Linda Yarrow on Flickr.
Taken at Powerstock nature reserve. There was plenty of Peacocks, Red Admirals and Small Tortoiseshell butterflies on this reserve. Where there is Hemp Agrimony, which is everywhere, and a sunny spot, you will find these butterflies. Hemp Agrimony is a plant that is a very good source food for our butterflies at this time of year. Also, at this reserve, I saw a few Clouded Yellows.

Monday, 19 August 2013

A Brimstone Butterfly in My Garden!

Brimstone butterfly by Linda Yarrow
Brimstone butterfly, a photo by Linda Yarrow on Flickr.
A fantastic day of butterflies in my garden today!!! This Brimstone was a surprise, it's a first time I've had this butterfly in my garden. My butterfly count today on my buddleias:

8 - Small Tortoiseshell
3 - Peacocks
2 - Silver-washed Fritillarys
1 - Red Admiral
1 - Brimstone
4 - Large Whites