Friday, 11 May 2012


Cowslips by Linda Yarrow
Cowslips, a photo by Linda Yarrow on Flickr.
We went to Fontmell Down today, a reasonbly nice day, cloud and........SUNSHINE:-))))

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Surprises Today, The Lovely and The Nasty

White Throat by Linda Yarrow
White Throat, a photo by Linda Yarrow on Flickr.
I had two surprises today, the lovely and the nasty.  The lovely surprise was while I was sitting in my garden, enjoying the rare sunshine and sipping my tea, a White Throat appeared in my garden for the first time.  This picture I took last year at Durlston Country Park.  Now for the nasty surprise, while I was having a shower this morning, I found a tick on the back of my leg ¦:-{ horrible! I couldn't believe it!  And where the hell it came from I do not know.  I picked it off intact, it was alive and crawling on my hand, well I soon got rid of it :- [